Women Wage Peace

Day 18 Of The War: The Warnings Of Women Wage Peace / Orna Raz, The Times of Israel blogs

The Movement Women Wage Peace was founded in 2014, toward the end of the war in Gaza, known as Operation Protective Edge. During the nine years that have passed thousands of women  have dedicated their lives to promote a peace agreement with our Palestinian neighbors. Quite a few members of the movement  lived in the western Negev, where the horrible massacre by Hamas took place on October 7th.


At the end of April 2021, following months of investigation,Women Wage Peace held a “Civilian Cabinet” at Kibbutz Nahal Oz (one of the kibbutzim attacked on October 7th). In its report, the Movement warned the government to pay attention to the situation along the Gaza border. At this time it is chilling to reread the report.

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