Women Wage Peace

Thank you!

The Journey to Peace has ended and beformasa arava ohel by arianne littmane we continue, we want to stop and say THANK YOU!
Thanks to each and every one of the tens of thousands who participated in the Journey and voiced our uncompromising demand for a mutually accepted, non-violent political agreement.
Thanks to hundreds of WWP members who volunteered their time with unending dedication and hope in order to initiate, organize and produce this amazing event.
Thanks to all the regional coordinators who organized moving events throughout the Journey in Sderot, Reim, Kissufim, Tze’elim, Yeruham, Beer Sheva, Dimona, Lakiya, Hura, Um- Betin, Rahat, Arad, Gush Etzion, Hatzor, Church of the Beatitudes, Tiberias, Naharayim, Nazareth, Furedeis, Jaffa, the Dead Sea and Jerusalem. Thanks also to all the partners at home who supported them and gave a helping hand!
Thanks to all the WWP teams who assisted with media and communication ,graphics, fund raising, digital media, government engagement, social networks (including live broadcasts), strategies, advertisement, production and enabled the Journey to be carried out in a professional and responsible manner.
Thanks to those who organized transportation, who were responsible for the bus rides, to the ushers, to those helped with telephone calls, to the translators, to those who organized car pools, to those who hosted others in their homes, to those who hosted guests from abroad, so that all the participants received the necessary attention.
Thanks to the organizers and producers of the ceremonies, the round table discussions, the Call to Peace, the performances; thanks to the editors of the movie clips, to the creators of the Pieces for Peace, the booklet of texts, the huge dress and the dove of peace, the program at the Sukka – all of which filled the Journey with meaning and strengthened our unique voice.
Thanks to the dedicated photographers who accompanied us on the entire Journey, in the heat and the dust and enabled us to spread our message of Peace ; to the dreamers who were partners in the creation of the Journey which succeeded in reflecting many deep and diverse feelings.
Thanks to everyone who offered a helping hand and a kind word during the Journey.
Each and every one of you had a part in the success of the Journey by deciding to join us, and assisting in the joint effort that made this event successful.
The mass participation, the hundreds of newspaper articles and other media reports locally and internationally, the support of mayors , heads of local councils, Knesset members from the broad political spectrum, the expansion of the movement – these are a small part of the ripples of peace that got stronger during the Journey.

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