United States President Donald Trump is coming to Israel on May 22, 2017, and we want to take advantage of this historic opportunity to show him, Prime Minister Netanyahu and everyone else that we are Ready for Peace!
On Thursday, May 18th, Women Wage Peace is launching a campaign; on that day we will all:
- Replace our Facebook profile picture to one with the caption: Ready for Peace
- * Click to replace
- * Click for a short tutorial
* Changing the profile picture will be accompanied by a post with a link that will allow anyone who sees your profile picture to change theirs too.
- Post a selfie with each of us holding a sign that reads: Ready for Peace
and add the hashtag: #ReadyForPeace
* Click to see examples of printable signs. You can also write your own.
* Attached are examples of the photographs: The photo can be of you alone, with family members, with friends, work colleagues, etc. – and posted with a message about how and why you are ready for peace.
Click for a list of example messages. You can use them as they are, edit them or write a message of your own.
- Twit on twitter: follow @WomenWagePeace twits, twit: Thank you @POTUS @RealDonaldTrump for returning HOPE to the Middle East. Israeli and Palestinian @WomenWagePeace – We are #ReadyForPeace
- Join us to be photographed for a human sign that reads: Ready for Peace
*Click fo details about location and time
Join us and be part of history!