Women Wage Peace from Gaza border and all over Israel:
We’re not waiting for the next war!
Only two weeks ago there was almost a war. The prime minister and members of the cabinet decided on a cease-fire, a move we welcomed. But we are not stopping there.
Now, when it’s quiet, we are calling: We are not waiting for the next round! We are demanding from our leaders to examine every political alternative, to initiate and develop political solutions, and not to wait for the next escalation. Only a political solution will ensure long-term peace and security.
We know it is possible and we do not stop until a political agreement is reached.
Friday, November 30, 2018, Tel Aviv
12:00: Gathering and march, government offices (across from Azrieli mall)
12:30 Support rally for Gaza border residents, Kaplan St. (corner of Leonardo De Vinci St.)