You’ll be meeting our leaders, the men who run our lives and decide whether to embark on yet more violence. We ask you to listen to Israel’s women, we who pay the price of the bloodshed.
Mr President, on the eve of your first visit to Israel, hear our voices – the voices of Israeli women who ask that you not give up on us.
We are writing on behalf of tens of thousands of Jewish, Muslim, Christian and Druze Israeli women who vote for right wing, centrist, and left-wing parties. Next year, Israel will celebrate 70 years of independence. These have also been 70 years of war and military operations, the most recent of which took place in Gaza only three years ago.
That conflict caused us to say: “No more.” No more wars, no more victims, no more deaths, no more fear, and no more horror. We promised ourselves, our sisters, our children to do everything possible to prevent the next war and founded Women Wage Peace. Our aim is to spur and support our leaders in forging a political solution to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, to give women a voice. Because it sometimes seems that the next war is just a matter of time.
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