Women Wage Peace

Event marking a decade since the establishment of Women Wage Peace and one year without Vivian Silver

Marking a decade since the establishment of Women Wage Peace.
Marking, not celebrating.
Because how can we celebrate when the hostages are still there, the war continues, and we haven’t yet reached our goal?
We boarded the peace train to Sderot again, just like then – a decade ago. We paused for a moment to mark a year without Vivian Silver, of blessed memory, and to look back on the long journey and on our determination. We drew strength to look ahead and continue, because there is no alternative, and because we believe that yes, it is possible.
We still have much to do, and we will not stop until a political agreement is reached.
Video editing: Inbar Pua
Still photography: Gal Mosenson, Tamar Matsafi, Women Wage Peace
Video photography: Gili Shani, Live-me
Background music – “Come back here” by Yael Deckelbaum https://youtu.be/D2H3t7UBFfc?si=deYUJc8I4D-CPo0l

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