Women Wage Peace

The Mothers’ Call, 2023

Thousands of women from the Israeli movement “Women Wage Peace” and the Palestinian movement “Women of the Sun” will hold a mass event with this message:

“We, Palestinian and Israeli mothers, are determined to stop the vicious cycle of bloodshed and to change the reality of the difficult conflict between both nations, for the benefit of our children”.

Women from the Israeli movement “Women Wage Peace” and the Palestinian movement “Women of the Sun” will hold a joint event on October 4th demanding to end the cycle of bloodshed and to promote “The Mothers’ Call” which was formulated by both movements and calls on peoples of both nations – Palestinian and Israeli, and peoples of the region to join our call and demonstrate their support for the resolution of the conflict.

During the event Israeli and Palestinian women will meet at several symbolic places. The event begins at the separation wall at the Bethlehem checkpoint; from there the women will ride to the Haas Promenade (Armon Hanaziv), where diplomats and world renown influencers will demonstrate their support.

The highlight of the day will take place at the Neve Midbar beach at the Dead Sea. An exhibit of Peace Quilts will be presented on the fence, behind which the main rally will take place. The round table which was part of Sigalit Landau’s artistic installation at the Biennale in 2011, will be at the center of the stage, symbolizing the negotiation table.

Palestinian and Israeli representatives as well as diplomats and other public figures who came especially for this event, will sit around the table. The women will announce the establishment of a joint force to voice their concern for the fate of their children as well as the need for reconciliation and a non-violent resolution to the conflict.

“Women of the Sun” is a movement founded in 2021 by a courageous group of Palestinian women. Since then, thousands of women from Nablus, Bethlehem, Hebron, East Jerusalem and Gaza have joined the movement. The movement has received official recognition from all Palestinian authorities.

The Mothers’ Call was formulated jointly by the Palestinian movement “Women of the Sun” and the Israeli movement “Women Wage Peace”. It reflects shared beliefs, recognizing the diverse communities on both sides and respecting the needs, challenges and capabilities of each movement. Based on the desire to protect the lives of children on both sides, the two movements state:

  • “We believe that the majority of the people of our nations also share our mutual desire. Therefore, we demand that our leaders listen to our call and promptly begin peace talks and negotiations, with a determined commitment to achieving a political solution to the long and painful conflict, within a limited timeframe.
  • We call on the peoples of both nations – Palestinian and Israeli, and peoples of the region to join our call and demonstrate their support for the resolution of the conflict.
  • We call on our leaders to show courage and vision to bring about this historical change, to which we all aspire. We join hands in determination and partnership to bring hope back to our peoples.

Since it was written and made public, tens of thousands of Palestinian and Israeli women have signed the pact.

Reem Hajajri, one of the leaders of “Women of the Sun”:

“The journey to peace is long and full of challenges. We maintain our strength and determination as more and more women join the movement, women who want to protect their children and prevent them from being the next victim. We started out as a movement with a few lone women and now we are thousands from the West Bank and Gaza. We no longer take the back seat and are determined to act persistently to end the cycle of bloodshed and to achieve freedom and a just, honorable life for Palestinian and Israeli children.“

Yael Admi, one of the founders and leaders of “Women Wage Peace”:

“This is a historical partnership of two women’s movements who will not cease to voice their demands that the leadership of both sides promote a peace agreement and ensure a future of peace, security and freedom for both nations. Since the founding of this partnership and the formulation of “The Mothers’ Call”, more and more young and mature women have joined us, have decided to stop being silent and are trying to create a new path. It is time for courageous leaders to generate hope for a better future for our children”.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

11:00 – Meeting at the Separation Wall, Bethlehem Checkpoint

13:00 – Marching together to the event reflecting the support of the international community – The Tolerance Monument, Jerusalem.

Main Speaker:

Maria Velasco – Deputy Head of Mission – Office of the European Union Representative
(West Bank and Gaza Strip, UNWRA)

17:00 – Exhibition of Peace Quilts, Neve Midbar Beach, Dead Sea

18:00 – The main event and rally, Neve Midbar Beach, Dead Sea
meeting at the round table with speeches of Palestinians, Israeli and international influencers

The event is open for press coverage.

Join us (Hebrew)

For further information:

Irit Nachmany



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