Women Wage Peace

Solidarity events in support of the March of Hope


11/9, Sunnyvale, California
Pilates for peace. Organized by the San Francisco Bay staff (SFB) as one of the pre-events before the March on the Golden Gate Bridge.
Neri Homa, Neri.life@gmail.com

18/9, Florence
“I See You” performance
Tami Eyal, Tami_eyal@yahoo.it

23/9, Temara, Portugal
Lecture about women wage peace to peace activists from around the world
emma sham-ba Ayalon, emmashamba@gmail.com

24/9, New Jersey
Introduction to Women Wage Peace and the March of Hope.
Facebook event:
Tzofnat Peleg Baker, tzofnatpb@gmail.com

25/9, Sunnyvale, California
Zomba for Peace . Organized by the San Francisco Bay staff (SFB) as one of the pre-events before the March on the Golden Gate Bridge.
Neri Homa, Neri.life@gmail.com

6/10, Cornwall, Britain
Walk in Marzion. Details to follow.
Brigitte Morrigan, brigittemorrigan@ talktalk.net

9/10, Sunnyvale, California
Yoga for Peace. . Organized by the San Francisco Bay staff (SFB) as one of the pre-events before the March on the Golden Gate Bridge
Neri Homa, Neri.life@gmail.com

9/10, Near Tokyo, Japan
march to a large bridge and a ceremony on the bridge
Dani Nehushtai, nagariya@jeans.ocn.ne.jp

9/10, Sidney, Australia
A circle of women is meeting for a gathering of peace and support for the WOMEN WAGE PEACE movement in Israel
Rohini, rohiniharmony@gmail.com

10/10, Berlin, Germany
An event to support the March of Hope
Facebook event
Renate Keller, Keller.renate@googlemail.com

16/10, Golden Gate Bridge
March on the Golden Gate Bridge

Neri Homa, Neri.life@gmail.com

16/10, Amsterdam
Screening of the film + short walk and photoshoot by a bridge
Nelleke Schuur, nellekeschuur@gmail.com
Urit, uritlu@xs4all.nl

16/10, New York
Looking into Your Eyes
Roni Felsen, feltchie@gmail.com

16/10, Portland
March on the Tilikum Bridge, 2pm local time
Facebook event
Noga Vilan, nogavilan@gmail.com

17/10, Paris
At Cercle Bernard Lazare, 19:30
An event where the following will speak: The mayor or her deputy, Delphine Horvilleur, Annette Levy Willard and more. Pascale Chen, Pascale1@013.net

Event details

17.10 Bruxelles, 20:00

Soiree D’hommage a Shimon Peres et la marche de l’espoir,

Centre Communautaire Laic Juif David Susskind – CCLJ, Bruxelles, info@cclj.be

18/10 Geneva
Tuesday, 18/10, 12:30, gathering at the UN Place in solidarith with the March of Hope.
COntact person: Massia Kaneman, sia@bluewin.ch

19/10, Seattle
March in Seattle. Details to follow.
Starting from the Washington State Convention Center where, we will gather in a peace circle of trust and support. The event will include a short march and more…
Facebook event
Barbara Lahav, bjlahav@comcast.net

19/10 Cornwall, UK Enough is enough

19th October to Truro anytime from 8am – 5pm

(Inside Cathedral if wet), Facebook event
19.10 – MENA Countries 

Event at the Morocco University of FEZ

Promotion on social media


Promotion on social media


Class event, Prof. at the University of Jordan

Egypt –  10:00

MP hosting a round table of women leaders to discuss the role of women in the Peace Process. Hosted at Nasr City in Egypt. The participants are members of parliament and government.

Cyprus: event at DS publishing house Cyprus; promotion on radio show with Prof. from University of Cyprus

san-francisco supporters

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